Author Guideline
The author guidelines, which is the result of research or equivalent research results in the Journal of Public Policy (Social Politic) Sciences is from (i) the title, (ii) the name and affiliation of the author, (iii) the abstract (English), (iv) Introduction, (V) method, (vi) Results and Discussion, (vii) Conclusion and Suggestion and (viii) the referral list, with the following details:
TITLE: A maximum of 14 words as a summary, a combination of free variables against a bound variable, or other words describing the observed relationship between variables. Titles are also listed in the English version. If the article is presented in English, the title should be written in English only.
NAME and AFFILIATE AUTHOR: The name is written without a title, and the main author is the first author and author of correspondence. The Affiliate author is written in full, and e-mail is listed only for correspondence writers.
ABSTRACT: Briefly describe the research results, including a minimum of objectives, methods, and results, in 150-200 words written in Bahasa Indonesia and English with a keyword of at least three words. The abstract English language must not be listed if the article is written in English.
INTRODUCTION: Contains background, rationale, and or urgent research. References (libraries or relevant research) need to be included in this section, as well as their relationship with research urgency justification, the appearance of research problems, alternative solutions, and selected solutions. When writing sources in the text, the author's name and the source citation, the published year, and the page where the script is located need to be indicated. An example is:........ The results showed that more than 70% of students could not recognize the authentic problem...... The introduction was written with Times New Roman 12 upright, with space 1. Each paragraph begins with a word jutting into about 1 cm from the left edge of each column. The problems and objectives, as well as the usability of the research, are written narrative in paragraphs, no need to be given special subtitles. Similarly, if deemed necessary, the operational definition is also a written narrative. The introduction also contains a State of The Art (review of previous literature or research studies) to justify/strengthen novelty statements or scientific contributions and originality of the article. The article reference in this journal is a maximum of the last ten years originating from the primary source to reinforce the originality justification or contribution from the study's title. Before writing the objective of the study, there must be a GAP Analysis or statement of the gap (originality) or a statement of novelty contribution clearly and explicitly, or what the difference/unique this research compared to previous studies, also from the critical side of this research is done after the new written purpose of research in this article is straightforward and clear.
METHODS: Contains research type, time and place of research, target/target, research subject, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques, and other research-related things. Targets/objectives, research subjects, procedures, data and instruments, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and other matters relating to how the research can be written without sub-subchapters. Paragraph text stuffing on methods adapted to the type of research
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Research results are presented as graphs, tables, or descriptive. Analysis and interpretation of these results are required before being discussed. The data presented is not raw; instead, it has been analyzed. The research presentation on the table and picture needs to be given an explanation/review but not discussed in detail. The table is in the middle or at the end of each text description of the result/research acquisition. If the table's width is not sufficiently written in half a page, it can be written a full page. Table headings are written from the middle Align left; all words are capitalized, except for the conjunctions. Suppose more than one line is written in a single space. The result is an image, or the data created by the image/Schema/graphics/presentation diagram also follows the existing rules: The title or image name is placed below the image, from the left, and spaced one space from the image. When there is more than 1 line, Interline is given a single space. The discussion focuses on associating the data and the results of its analysis with the broader research and theoretical issues or objectives. Can we also discuss the answer to the question of why we found such a fact in the data? The discussion is written and attached to the data discussed. The discussion was not separated from the data concerned. The discussion was made to be supported by real and apparent facts and elements (what else). Whether there is conformity or opposition with other people's research results needs to be explained anyway.
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION: Conclusions can be generalized findings according to the research problem and recommendations for the next step. They are written in paragraph form, not as lists or numbering items. Suggestions can be feedback for the next researcher and the implications of the research findings.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Written in a single space, between library lists are spaced out of 1 space. Writing a bibliography using the American Psychological Association (APA) Style version 6 rules. The number of referral sources is used as a list of scientific literature libraries (80% of the primary references such as journals, research reports, and proceedings papers) and 20% of secondary references such as books, theses, dissertations, and internet sources. Use a reference manager such as Mendeley or another to compile a library list.