JOURNAL OF EDUCATION SCIENCES (Edusci) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of education. Articles published in the Edusci Journal include original scientific research results, classroom action research, new scientific review articles, and study results in the field of education.

JOURNAL EDUCATION SCIENCES (Edusci) focuses on the field of educational science, both formal and non-formal.

Edusci provides a way out for high-quality publications that have undergone double-blind peer review with 3 reviewers. Thus, Edusci ensures that the study reaches a global readership consisting of students, scholars, consultants, practitioners, international leaders, and policy makers who recognize the importance of education in educating the nation’s life.

Edusci publishes content in the form of theoretical articles, empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative methods, practice-oriented papers, teaching-oriented papers, case studies, book reviews, conference reports, short articles on current trends in science and society, the latest knowledge, and opinion-based articles and shorter reviews, comments, and debates.

Edusci publishes cutting-edge research on emerging topics in education that appeal to a wide readership. The editors welcome suggestions for special issue topics. Edusci articles should demonstrate information that is of significant value to the wider community.

Edusci has a broad coverage in the following areas:

  1. Early Childhood Education
  2. Primary Teacher Education
  3. Economics Education
  4. Mathematics Education
  5. Physics Education
  6. Chemistry Education
  7. English Education
  8. Natural Science Education
  9. Social Science Education
  10. Pancasila and Citizenship Education
  11. Sports Education
  12. Geography Education
  13. Indonesian Literature and Language Education
  14. History Education
  15. Counseling Education
  16. Performing Arts Education
  17. Computer Education
  18. Non-Formal Education
  19. Educational Technology

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