JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES (Improsci) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of engineering. Articles published in the Improsci Journal include the results of original scientific research, new scientific review articles, and the results of studies in the field of engineering.

JOURNAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES (Improsci) focuses on the field of engineering  science

Improsci provides a solution for high-quality publications that have undergone double-blind peer review with 3 reviewers. Thus, Improsci ensures that the study reaches a global audience consisting of students, scholars, consultants, practitioners, international leaders, and policymakers who recognize the importance of engineering science in an effort to facilitate all life activities and to gain efficiency in all fields and lead to improved human well-being.

Improsci publishes content in the form of theoretical articles, empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative methods, practice-oriented papers, teaching-oriented papers, case studies, book reviews, conference reports, short articles on current trends in science and society, the latest knowledge, and shorter opinion-based and review-based articles, commentary, and debate.

Improsci publishes cutting-edge research on emerging topics in engineering and attracts a wide readership. The editors welcome suggestions for special edition topics.  Improsci  articles  should show information that is very useful to the wider community.

Improsci has a wide scope in the following areas:

  1. Industrial Engineering
  2. Informatics Engineering
  3. Mechanical Engineering
  4. Electrical Engineering
  5. Chemical Engineering
  6. Computer Engineering
  7. Aerospace Engineering
  8. Architecture
  9. Management of Technology and Innovation
  10. Automotive Engineering
  11. Biomedical Engineering
  12. Building and Construction
  13. Civil and Structural Engineering
  14. Computational Mechanics
  15. Control and Systems Engineering
  16. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  17. Engineering (miscellaneous)
  18. General Engineering
  19. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  20. Mechanical Engineering
  21. Mechanics of Materials
  22. Media Technology
  23. Ocean Engineering
  24. Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality

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