Development of Tourism Village (Curug Payung) and Religious Tourism (Gunung Sanggar) in the Village Gunungmanik
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Gunungmanik Village has a lot of potential natural resources. The air is always cool and
fresh. The livelihood of the residents of Gunungmanik Village is vegetable farmers. Local customs
and wisdom still exist in Gunungmanik Village. In addition, there is religious tourism in
Gunungmanik Village, namely the tomb of Sheikh Sanggar Waringin in Gunungsanggar, in Jatirasa
Hamlet located on the hillside. Curug Payung in Ciraharja Hamlet is one of the natural attractions in
Gunungmanik Village, which stores the beauty of a very amazing natural panorama with cool air.
Community service activities have been carried out in Curug Payung to introduce nature and
religious tourism to the general public. This will make Gunungmanik village richer with prehistoric
places and interesting natural attractions. The purpose of community service is to fulfill the duties in
the 2022 KKM program of the University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon Mengabdi. Activities are
carried out through counseling, observation, training, and interviews. Community service reports in
the form of observations and analysis result that Gunungmanik deserves to be a tourist village in
Kuningan. Its beautiful environment is also an attraction for the village. The results of the external
environment analysis show that the condition of other tourist villages in the surrounding location is
still small and government support for this tourist village is very good.