Processing Coffee Grounds Waste as a Planting Media in the Use of Organic Fertilizer in Pabedilan Wetan Village, Cirebon Regency
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So far, the increase in coffee bean utilization is not directly proportional to its
environmental impact. The benefits of coffee beans for health should align with how coffee
waste is also valuable in strengthening the community's economy. Educational steps are
needed for coffee cafes as waste producers. As university personnel, we should mediate this
gap. Community service activities are carried out at QQ café as part of a coffee waste
program to be used by farmer groups (POKTAN) Mrengkel I, Pabedilan District, Cirebon
Regency. This community service activity aims to educate the public how coffee waste
produced routinely by QQ café as much as 4-5 kg in a week, can be absorbed by the
Mrengkel I group, Pabedilan District, Cirebon Regency as a party who needs coffee waste
as an alternative to organic fertilizer. Service activities are carried out for four months. The
results showed that waste management started with sorting techniques on the part of coffee
waste producers for four months, continued at the fermentation step of waste that was
successfully collected in a particular vessel, and then ended with waste being handed over
to the farming community along with a book on the use of coffee grounds to be used as an
alternative to organic fertilizer at least succeeded in educating and mediating one party to
the other. That way, the community service activities that we carry out are a form of
dissemination of our research results in educating the public while developing science and