Ann Publisher
Ann Publisher is a publishing company that was started starting in 2023. Our commitment to become one of the leading scientific journal publications in many scientific fields. We exist with the aim of providing a high-quality platform for researchers and academics to publish their work. Currently, the focus of our publishing is to promote scientific research and developments in the fields of law, health, tourism, industry, education, economics, public policy, and agrocomplexes. We are optimistic that publishing quality scientific journals will be able to encourage scientific growth and progress throughout the world.
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Ann Publisheris an international journal that can be accessed through Google Scholar, Garuda, DOAJ, iSitasi, and Copernicusindexers. Our projection in the nearfuture can be nationally accredited SINTA 2 by the Directorate General of Research Strengthening and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia.
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Ann Publisher collaborates with Deepublish and HIPJI.
Collaboration :
Scope Journal
Ann Publisher focuses on publishing scientific journals in the fields of law (Legisci), health (Medisci), tourism (Toursci), industry (Improsci), education (Edusci), public policy (Polisci), economics (Ekuisci), agrocomplex (Agrosci), dan community service (Abdisci)
scope :
Desy Lusiyana
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, IndonesiaEditor in Chief
Desy Lusiyana
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, IndonesiaEditor in Chief
Kamarul Hashim
University of Dubai, UEAEditor
Kamarul Hashim
University of Dubai, UEAEditor
Solahuddin Ismail
Universiti Utara, MalaysiaEditor
Solahuddin Ismail
Universiti Utara, MalaysiaEditor
Noto Susanto Gultom
National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyEditor
Noto Susanto Gultom
National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyEditor
Abdul Wahid
Universitas Muhammadiyah CirebonEditor
Abdul Wahid
Universitas Muhammadiyah CirebonEditor
Parama Kartika Dewa
Universitas Atma Jaya YogyakartaEditor
Parama Kartika Dewa
Universitas Atma Jaya YogyakartaEditor
Kanom, S.Pd., M.Par.
Politeknik Negeri BanyuwangiEditor
Kanom, S.Pd., M.Par.
Politeknik Negeri BanyuwangiEditor
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Office Address:
Jl. Rajawali Gg.Elang 5 No.1 Drono, Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY,Indonesia