Rr. Retno Widyani
Degree | : | Prof. Dr. drh., MS, MH |
Date of birth | : | Yogyakarta, 22 Juli 1963 |
: | | |
Expertise | : | Animal health and nutrition (Foccus research on Indonesian Veterinary Herbal Medicine) |
Lecturer | : | Animal Health, Veterinary Publisc Health, Animal Husbandry Etics, Animal Husbandry Legislation |
Commisaris | : |
Penerbit Deepublish PT Diera Mutiara Internationa PT Autoimuncare Indonesia Ann Publisher Founder of Sarwoko Mangunkusumo Foundation |
Institution | : | Higher Education Service Institution Region IV West Java, dpk University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon |
Riwayat Pendidikan
S1 UGM | Pass the year 1987 | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
S2 UGM | Pass the year 1989 | Faculty of Animal Husbandry |
S2 Unswagati | Pass the year 2007 | Magister Law Science |
S3 UGM | Pass the year 1999 | Animal Husbandry |
Publication (7 years later)
- International Seminar. 2016. 3 rd International Wild Wife Symposium. Lampung University. ISBN : 978-602-0860-13-8.
- International Seminar. The First International Conference Technology on Bioscience and Social Science. Universitas Andalas Padang. ISBN : 978-602-6381-22-4.
- National Seminar. 2016. Pengembangan Sumber Daya Ternak Lokal Dalam Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals. Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung. ISBN : 978-602-74116-3-0.
- Efektivitas Organic Supplement Energizer (OSE) Terhadap Helminthiasis Pada Sapi Potong. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 16 No 2, Desember Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung. ISSN : 1410-5659.
- Impact of Animal Housing Toward Worm Infection in Local Beef Cattle Farms in Dukuh Badag Village, Cibingbing, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia : An Analysis. 2017. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 17 No 1, Juni 2017. Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung. ISSN : 1410-5659.
- 7th International Seminar of Tropical Animal Production. 2017. Potency of Persimmon Fruit (Dyospiros kaki) As An Organic Antibiotic, Antifungal and Anthelmintic on The Livestock: An Analysis. Faculty of Animal Production. Gadjah Mada University.
- 7th International Seminar of Tropical Animal Production. 2017. The Case of Helminthiasis on Beef Cattle at Slaughter House in Indonesia. Faculty of Animal Production. Gadjah Mada University.
- National Seminar. 2018. Penelitian In Vitro : Potensi Dyospiros kaky sebagai agen pemecah kolesterol darah. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jendral Soedirman. Purwokerto.
- National Seminar. 2018. Pemeriksaan Post Mortem di RPH Batembat , Kabupaten Cirebon Jelang Idul Fitri 2018. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jendral Soedirman. Purwokerto.
- International Seminar Animal Indystri 4th. In Vitro Studies : Potential Use Of Dyospiros kaky an Anti-Cholesterol Agent. Agriculture Institute Bogor. Indonesia.
- International Seminar Animal Indystri 4th. 2018. Management of Dairy Cow Maintenance in Kodang Group and Multipurpose Cooperative Musem (KSU) Karya Nugraha Cigugur District, Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Agriculture Institute Bogor. Indonesia.
- International Conference Food and Agriculture (IcoFa).2018. In Vitro Studies: Potential of Sambiloto (Andropogus panniculata) and other herbal formultiom as anti-cholesterol agent. Bali Nusa Dua Indonesia.
- International Conference Food and Agriculture (IcoFa). 2018. In Vitro Studies: Potential of Natural Source herbal formultiom as anti-cholesterol agent. Bali Nusa Dua Indonesia.
- Potency of Herbal Plants Formulation as Anticholesterole agent: In Vitro Studies. 2019. Sys Rev Pharm 2019;10(2):253-258
- In Vitro Studies: Potensial Use of Dyospiros kaky, Avium grafeolens, Guazuma ulmifolia, Hibiscus sabdariffa as an Agent of Anti-cholesterol. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B9 (2020) 162-164
- Indonesian Herbal Shampoo From Plant Oil As Anti Ectoparasites Agent For Humans And Animals. 2020. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 9, Issue 12, 958-975.
- Bumiku Indonesia (Bunga Rampai Kearifan Lokal). 2021. LIPI Press. ISBN 978-602-496-193-0 (cetak) 978-602-496-194-7 (e-book)
- International Conference on Sustainable Animal Resource and Environment. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1020 (2022) 012032. 2022. The Benefits of Indonesian Spices For Livestock Health As A Legacy of Our Ancestors Local Wisdom.
- Utilization Of Natural Ingredients Moringa To Increase Immunity As Imunomodulator. 2022. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research. Volume 9, Issue 3 (IV): July – September, 2022
- Nanoparticle Size Of Moringa Leaf Extract And Ants Nest To Increase Body Immunity. Seybold Report: 1659-1669.
- Panduan Perkembangan Anak 0-1 Tahun. Penerbit Puspawara.
- Panduan Ibadah Haji dan Umrah. Penerbit Deepublish.
- Legilasi, Keamanan Pangan, Pemakaian Obat dan Toksikologi, Penerbit Deepublish
- Pembelajaran Pkn di SD. Penerbit Deepublish
- Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. UMC Press.
- Kajian Islam Profesi Peternakan. Penerbit Deepublish
- Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti. Penerbit Deepublish.
- Teknologi Hasil Ternak. Penerbit Swagati Press.
- Persiapan Jadi Istri Yang Sholehah. Penerbit Deepublish
- Kewirausahaan Islami. Penerbit Deepublish
- Book Chapter Bunga Rampai Kearifan Lokal Bumi Indonesia. Penerbit Deepublish
- Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) Untuk Dosen. Penerbit Deepublish
- Bunga Rampai Puisi Curhat Covid di Negeriku. Penerbit Deepublish
- Book Chapter Rumah Kita Dosen Indonesia. Penerbit Deepublish
- Book Chapter Inovaso Pembelajaran di Pendidikan Tinggi. Penerbit Deepublish
- Book Chapter Vegetable Crops Health Benefit and Cultivation. Intech Open. Chapter 8. The Effect of Mosses on the Hudraulic Media of Vegetable Plants in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. Pub;ised in London. United Kongdom.
- Fisiologi Reproduksi. Penerbit Swagati Press.
- Ilmu Lingkungan Ternak. Penerbit Swagati Press
- Kode Etik Veteriner. Penerbit Deepublish
- Book Chapter Komunikasi Dalam Berbagai Sudut Pandang. Penerbit Deepublish